Pulp Action Hour: Psi and Cybernetics!

“The first concrete discovery of the aether, a natural force similar to that of magnetism and gravity, though functioning on a plane somewhere between the quantum and sub-quantum was made in 1882. This aether was shown to be connected to psychic powers, and as it was studied; schools of psychic training were started. Aether was... Continue Reading →

Pulp Action Hour: Airships Part Two!

Welcome to part two of my Pulp Action Hour Airship coverage. In this post, we cover the larger than life flying platforms. Each is capable of flight through a combination a matrix of anti-gravity generators strategically placed throughout the hull and multiple large turboprop engines. These massive vehicles are powered by banks of aether crystals... Continue Reading →

Pulp Action Hour: Airships Part One!

Welcome back to my Pulp Action Hour series! Most of my previous entries were more fluff and background fluff. I now begin to present to you, dear readers, more of the crunchy specifics. This is part one of a two part series on the more advanced aircraft in the Pulp Action Hour settingThe planes of... Continue Reading →

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