Savaging Old Games: Justifiers!

Let us turn back the clock to the late 1980's. I was still a teen and RPGs were still in there own sort of teen years as well. Rules systems were being created as different aspiring designers were looking for ways to create a game that was not like D&D. Some, like GURPS and Traveler... Continue Reading →

Savage Deathlands: Some New Rules.

The following are some new and additional rules I've come up with since releasing my Savage Worlds Deathlands translation. I have also updated the PDF document with this information (as version 1.1). You can still get the original version of the PDF that does not include these updates. That way, if you don't like these... Continue Reading →

Savage Deathlands Revisited

Hello all again! After posting my conversion of the Deathlands series of books, I decided to compile all my posts into a pdf file. I took into account much of the feedback I got from both the Facebook and G+ communities I shared my posts with. Please take a moment to download and check out... Continue Reading →

Savage Worlds of We’re Alive!

I am a lover of audio drama. I listen to it at work and in the car on my commute. In the past seven years, I’ve listened to literally thousands of hours. One particular audio drama that stood out, one that I've now listened to three times is We're Alive: A Story of Survival. This... Continue Reading →

Savage Deathlands Part 5: Archetypes

Here is the first bonus blog for Savage Deathlands. I give you some archetypes to use, based on the characters from the series. Any future posts about this will likely include rules changes or new ideas based on the great feedback I've gotten from the Facebook and G+ communities!  I hope you have enjoyed these posts!... Continue Reading →

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